


Comparing software pretection and licensing solutions?

See why ElecKey is a better choice.

The list below compares our prominent features and solutions to some of the alternatives.
ElecKey vs Alternatives

ElecKey vs SoftwareKey

Perpetual License
ElecKey prices are one-time perpetual license. There is no need to maintain and renew subscription license periodically. You can rest assured that your ElecKey (and your software licensing services) will continue to work without interruption.
Learn about ElecKey pricings
Your Own Activation Server with Source Code
You get the Activation Server software including full source code. You can deploy it on your own server or cloud service provider. So, you can secure your customer data and licenses by means of appropriate measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity, as well as regulatory compliance.
In addition, the source code allows you to customize your own Activation Server as you want, for instance, extending its functionality, integrating with your CRM system, and interfacing with your ecommerce provider.
Learn about Activation Server
Unlimited Online License Activations
Unlike the alternative solution where products and activation transactions are limited by tier subscription fees, our Activation Server solution allows unlimited online activations for any of your products.
Floating and Roaming Network Licensing Solution
Our enterprise network-based protection offers both floating concurrent licenses and roaming licenses for corporate environments. The roaming license provides greater flexibility and convenience, allowing the user to check out a license from the pool, disconnect from the network, and use the application off-site.
Learn about network licensing solution
Automatic License Update/Validation
This is a vital feature that empowers you to offer your application as software subscription. With automatic license update, the application will automatically connect to the Activation Server in background process to update the license (e.g. upgrade features, renew subscription).
During license update, the validation also checks against the user account on the server. If the account becomes invalid (e.g. fraudulent), the server will return an instruction to the application to remove the license automatically.
Learn about automatic license Update and validation
UpdateShield and UpdateCheck API
Our UpdateShield solution provides a quick and simple solution to enhance your software with the ability to check for updates, download, and install automatically. The UpdateCheck API provides greater flexibility and better seamless integration to add the automatic software update system into your application.
Learn about UpdateShield and software update