LicenseGen SDK

The SDK allows you to develop your own license management system, integrate it into your corporate environment, or build an automated web-based licensing system.
LicenseGen SDK

Key Features & Benefits

Various Technologies Supported
The LicenseGen SDK supports various platforms and technologies, including the LicenseGen 32/64-bit DLL, ActiveX, and .NET Class Library. Therefore, you can use the SDK to build many different kinds of license management system; for example, as a Windows, .NET, or web-based application.
Web-Based Registration
One of the great benefits of the LicenseGen SDK is to allow you to create a web-based registration system that can automate the license management process. Using the provided licensing functions, you can easily create a scripted web page to accept the user entries and issue the License Key on-demand.
Technical Specifications
System Requirements:
Windows OS
Supported Platforms:
Win32, Win64, ActiveX, .NET
Library & Sample Code
Desktop Apps:
C++ Builder
Web Apps:
Classic ASP