We have changed our company name and would like our key to reflect the new name.

Below are the steps that you can update the name and company appeared in the ElecKey About dialog box.
  1. Go to the ElecKey's folder \Bin
  2. Run 'EKInt.exe /rename'
  3. ElecKey Integrator will start.
  4. Click the About button.
  5. In the About box, click the Upgrade button.
  6. In the Product Upgrade box, edit your Name and Organization.
  7. Then, click Next, and just close the Product Upgrade box.
Please check the About box that you have your new name and company correctly. Then, send us the screenshot of your About box. We will need to update this information in our license server. Please also record your new registered name and organization. You will need to enter this same information when you need to activate ElecKey in the future.