KeyCheck API Function

The KeyCheck API is a collection of functions that allow you to integrate the software protection and licensing system into your application. It provides cross-platform support for both Windows and macOS. So you can easily reuse the same code to develop and protect your application for Windows and macOS. The API functions are listed in the tables below, which also indicate the supported platforms. For more details, see the KeyCheck API Reference.


Note that the functions can also be referred to by their hex name (e.g. H33), in addition to their function name (e.g. OpenKeySrv). An advantage of using the hex name is that the function name is rendered meaningless. Decompilation would result in source code that is difficult to understand. Using the hex name is recommended especially for .NET applications that obfuscation is necessary to protect the code.


Main Functions


OpenKeySrv, H33

Loads an Agent.

CloseKeySrv, H34

Closes an Agent.

TerminateKeySrv, H99

Terminate the Agent.

SetKeyCache, H11

Sets the cache mode of the Agent.

GetErrStr, H35

Gets the string of Error Code returned by the KeyCheck API functions.

Licensing Functions


InitLicKey, H5A

Initiates the Initial License Key.

InitLicKeyEx, H6A

Initiates the Initial License Key with Registration ID format setting.

CheckLicKey, H5C

Checks the License Key in the Key.

PutLicKey, H5B

Decodes the License Key into Key Properties and puts them into the Key.

Key Interface Functions


GetKeyProperties, H39

Gets Key Properties of the Key.

GetKeyData, H3A

Gets 64-byte Key Data from the Key.

PutKeyData, H3B

Puts 64-byte data to Key Data of the Key.

UpdateLimitKey, H3C

Checks and updates the limitations to the Key.

SetBackgroundCheck, H37

Sets the locking system to check the Key in background process.


Application-defined callback function to handle the result of checking the Key in background process.

Utility Functions


TransferLicense, H5E

Generates a new License Key for transferring the license from one to another machine.

DestroyLicense, H5F

Destroys the license of the Key.

RemakeLicense, H60

Remakes the license of the Key.

Security Enhancement Functions


SetKeyValue, H78

Set the Key Value of the Key.

GetKeyValue, H79

Gets the value of the specified key.

Server Interface Functions


NetKeyConnect, H46

Connects to the NetKey License Server.

NetKeyConnectAdv, H4C

Connects the locked program to the NetKey License Server using configuration file (NETKEY.INI).

NetKeyConnectEx, H4D

Connects the locked program to the NetKey License Server (supported fault tolerance).

NetKeyDisconnect, H47

Disconnects from the NetKey License Server.

NetKeyLogin, H48

Logs the locked program in to the NetKey License Server.

NetKeyLogout, H49

Logs the locked program out from the NetKey License Server.

SetServerBackgroundCheck, H55

Sets the NetKey License Server to check the Network Key in background process.

Instant Protection Function


InstantProtection, H81

Instant function that processes the System Image File to perform all the tasks needed to check the Key.

InstantProtectionAdv, H80

Advanced Instant Protection function, one-stop method for handling and checking the Key by using System Image File for Local Key and/or System Image File for Network Key.